17th International Conference on Ternary and Multinary Compounds

27-30 September, 2010
Institute of Physics, Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Baku


The proceedings of ICTMC-17 will appear in a special issue of Japanese Journal of Applied Physics (JJAP) to be published in May, 2011. The ICTMC-17 JJAP Web-site for paper submission will be opened on 20 August 2010. The dead-line for paper submission is 30 September 2010.

No shift of the informed dead-line towards later date is possible.

The authors of the oral and poster presentations are kindly requested to submit their papers in time.

The page limit is set to 2 journal pages the publication charge of which is paid by the ICTMC-17 office. Every extra page will be charged by JJAP at 13,200Yen/page rate.

Only one paper of each registered participant will be published free-of-charge. Every extra paper of the same registered participant will be charged at 13,200Yen/page rate.

Please keep in mind that the authors are solely responsible for every extra page or paper when submitting to JJAP.

The papers passed peer-review procedure but not submitted to JJAP will appear in Azerbaijan Journal of Physics (AJP) on a free-of-charge basis. No limit on paper length is set. The authors are kindly requested to send the papers designed for AJP to ictmc17@physics.ab.az until 20 September 2010. The AJP issue with ICTMC-17 proceedings will appear in October, 2010.